Professional Development Events & Workshops

If you have a professional development workshop or conference that you would like to share, please submit it online Registration / login is required.

Comfortably Uncomfortable: Continuing the Conversation

In this lively networking event, participants will discuss a variety of topics affecting BIPOC individuals, with the intention that providers of care will be able to move from cultural competency to cultural humility.

Helping Parents Talk with Their Child About Difficult Events

A virtual CE workshop for mental health professionals to learn how to support parents of children ages 3-8 in having open and honest conversations with their children about challenging events and topics like divorce and death.

NJAMHAA's Spring Conference

The conference provides learning experiences for staff at all levels and includes great opportunities to build relationships and grow your business.

Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Level II Training

Level II consists of 22 60-minute small group supervision sessions every other week for one year and a 3-day Advanced Workshop. Must have completed Level 1 (two-part Introductory ABFT Workshops) to participate.

Ongoing Opportunities